Tokusou Sentai Dekarangertsutaya 東三国 在庫

The aftermath of these incidents have shaken everyone. Dekaranger Robo (デカレンジャーロボ, Dekarenjā Robo): The primary mecha of the Dekarangers; which stands 45 meters tall, weighs in at 4600 tons and has a power output of 15,000,000 (11 GW); formed from the DekaMachines with the command "Special Investigation Combination!"

For the first time in 10 years, Dekaranger assembles for a crisis on Earth Station! "Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger" (特捜戦隊デカレンジャー, Tokusō Sentai Dekarenjā) is the opening theme to the show of the same title, Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger. Two new members at Earth Station, Assam and Mugi have been assigned to Dekaranger. Like Within the continuity of the franchise as a whole, this movie takes place four years after the The other members of Dekaranger have all gone their separate ways. There are Dekarangers from across the universe, but the most famous are the ones from SPD's Earth branch. (特捜合体, Tokusō Gattai). One day, a person named Carrie whom they rescue in another case, is revealed to have been a witness of the incident involving Doggie… but she absolutely refuses to talk about it except directly to the Space Public Prosecutor’s office. It aired as a part of TV Asahi's 2004 Super Hero Time block with Kamen Rider Blade.The action footage from the show was used for the American series, Power Rangers S.P.D.. Nội dung kể về Chiến đội đặc nhiệm Dekaranger và hành trình chống lại cái ác của họ. The Dekarangers are a Sentai team part of Special Police Dekaranger, a police force who make sure that all aliens abide by intergalactic laws. They were once said to have the best teamwork in the universe… can the six detective minds once again become a team, and fight coolly with a burning heart? Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger: 10 YEARS AFTER (特捜戦隊デカレンジャー: 10 YEARS AFTER, Tokusō Sentai Dekarenjā: Ten Iyāzu Afutā) is a V-Cinema movie released to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the conclusion of Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger, the second such epilogue movie of its kind following Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger: 10 YEARS AFTER. Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger là loạt series phim Super Sentai lần thứ 28. (Fire Squad). Psychic Lover produced two new recordings of "Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger" for Lyrics in To commemorate the 35th anniversary of Super Sentai, Columbia Records and NIPPONOPHONE released the 7 volume soundtrack An alternate cover of the song is performed by a pair of unknown singers, released for the 6th volume of the The Korean dub of But the illegal sale of investigation information by Earth Station Chief Doggie Kruger to the Space Mafia leads to the shocking murder of witnesses. Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger (Siêu Nhân Deka) hay còn có tên gọi khác là Cảnh Sát Đặc Nhiệm S.P.D. ―Dekarangers announcing their arrvial. In addition, Doggie is shot and hospitalized, remaining in a coma. "Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger!" Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger (特捜戦隊デカレンジャー, Tokusō Sentai Dekarenjā, ) is the title given to the promotional material for the twenty-eighth production of the Super Sentai metaseries produced by Toei. In the run-up to Say it ain’t so… Doggie is a criminal! Ten years after Dekaranger saved the planet from devastation, Ban is continuing to work for the Space Police F.S.

The appearance of this witness forces the six original members of Dekaranger to reunite to discover the truth of the case involving Doggie!

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